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SECTION 4 - Plugs, Inline Switches, Inline Cord Sets, Prewired Plug Leads & Powerleads

Online Catalogue | SECTION 4 - Plugs, Inline Switches, Inline Cord Sets, Prewired Plug Leads & Powerleads

SECTION 4a - PLUGS - UK Plugs, Euro Plugs & Schuko Plugs

PLUGS - UK and European plugs

(Please click on image to view full range and offers)

Europlugs. 2 Pin rewirable
Europlug. 2 Pin earthed Schuko plugs. 2A 3 Round pin
plug. 5A 3 Round pin plug. 3 Square pin 3A UK plug.
3 Pin Transparent plugs. Transparent UK plug. 3A Plug
Fuse. SCHUKO plug. 16A Earthed European plug.

SECTION 4b - Travel Plug Adaptors & Converters Euro, USA, Japan, Australia, South Africa & India

Travel plug adaptors & convereters
(Please click on image to view full range and offers on other items)
UK to Euro Travel plug adaptor.
American USA plug adapter converter. Schuko plug travel plug
adaptor. TRAVEL ADAPTORS. Travel plug converter. Plug
adaptors. Schuko plug converter. Australia travel plug
adaptor. Euro adaptor. Plug adaptors. Plug adaptor for South
Africa. Plug adaptor for Europe. Plug adaptor for Russia.
Plug adaptor for USA. Universal adaptor. Universal travel adaptor
plug. Multiplug travel adaptor.Universal travel plug adapter.

SECTION 4c - Extension Leads, Trailing Sockets, SURGE Protectors

4W Trailing Sockets & Extension socket leads

(Please click on image to view full range)

SURGE PROTECTED extension leads

SECTION 4d - Powercords & Prewired Plugleads

Prewired UK, European and UL USA plug leads and wired plugs.

(Please click on image to view full range)

Prewired Euro lead.
Pre-wired Schuko plug 16A. Prewired 2 Pin 16A
earthed European Schuko plug. 2 Pin European
plug with 2m cable. Prewired UK plugleads. 3A UK
plug with cable fitted. UK POWERCORDS. European
plug lead with earthed plug

SECTION 4e - Inline Cord Sets - UK, EU, Russia, USA & Japan

Prewired inline cord sets

(Please click on image to view full range)
2 core cord set. two core inline cord sets.
3 core cord sets. Inline cord sets with 3 core cable. Table lamp switch
with cable attached.

2 Core Flat 2192Y/HO3VVH2-F
2 Core Round 2182Y/HO3VV-F
3 Core Round 2183Y/HO3VV-F
Prewired 3 core inline cord sets colours
WHITE, BLACK, GOLD & TRANSPARENT. Prewired 2 core inline cord
sets colours WHITE, BLACK, GOLD & TRANSPARENT. UL approved
inline cord sets for USA & apan, polarised & unpolarised pins. INTERRUTTORE

SECTION 4g - Inline hand switches for table lamps

Inline switch for table lamps with screw terminals

(Please click on image to view full range and offers)

2A Inline cord switch. 3 Core switch for table lamp.
Inline cord switch. 2A Torpedo switch for table lamps. 2A White inline
switch for table lamp. Inline torpedo switch black. Gold inline table lamp
switch. Table lamp switch. Torpedo switch. Inline switch. In-line switch.
Line switch table lamp. Cord switch. In line switch. In-line switch.

SECTION 4g1 - SEALED Inline hand switches non-rewireable for OEM use

Inline switch SEALED non-rewireable with crimp fit wire terminals for OEM use only.

(Caution: These switches are NOT suitable for retail sale or for end user applications)

(Please click on image to view full range and offers)
Switches by Franz Neumann GmbH.
85057 INGOLSTADT, GERMANY. Sealed inline switch. Non rewireable inline switch.
Inline switch with crimp terminals. Crimp type inline switch

SECTION 4h - Inline FOOT switches for floor lights

Foot Switches - White, Black, Gold, Transparent, Antique bronzed.

Inline Foot switch.
2A Foot switch for floor standard light. In-line foot
switches for floor lights. Trasnparent foot switch.
Black foot switch. White foot switch. Gold foot
switch. Antique foot switch. Prewired foot switch.
Pre-wired inline foot switches. Jeani 706G

SECTION 4i - Pull Cord, Push Button & Rocker Switches

2A Miniature light switches.

Pull cord switches. 2A Miniature Pull cord
switch. 2A Mini Push button switch. 2A Pull
cord switch. Rocker switch. Push button switch.
2A Mini push switch. Spare pull cord string.

SECTION 4j - DIMMERS: Hand Dimmer Switches For Table Lamps

Inline dimmer switches

(Please click on image to view full range and offers)

BRIDGE Inline dimmer
switch for table lamps. Inline hand dimmer switch with
night location neon and ON/OFF switch. Inline hand
dimmer switch. Table lamp dimmer switch. In-line hand
dimmer for table lamp. Inline hand dimmer switch.
Dimmer switch for table lamp. Dimmer for LED.Table lamp
inline dimmer switch. LED Dimmer switch.

SECTION 4k - FOOT DIMMER SWITCHES for GLS and tungsten halogen lamps

Foot dimmer switches for GLS and Tungsten Halogen lamps
RT81 Foot dimmer. 60-300W foot dimmer switch.
Foot dimmer with night location neon and ON/OFF switch. 500W foot dimmer.
Floor standard foot dimmer. Foot dimmer for floor standard light fitting. Halogen light foot
dimmer. Foot dimmer for 500W halogen lamp. Halogen foot dimmer switch. Foot dimmer.
Dimmer foot switch. Inline foot dimmer 60-300W Cords and Cables Ltd.

SECTION 4l - Low voltage Foot dimmer transformers

Low Voltage Foot Dimmer Transformers for MR11 & MR16 lamps

20-60VA Low voltage foot
dimmer switch. 20 to 60 Watt Foot dimmer transformer switch.
20-60 Watt foot dimmer transformers. 35-105 VA Foot dimmer
for 12V low voltage dichroic lamps. MR11 foot dimmer. Low voltage foot dimmer.
35 to 105 Watt low voltage foot dimmer transformer. MR16 foot dimmer.
MR16 foot dimmer switch. 35 to 105W MR16 low voltage foot
dimmer transformer. RELCO 5500 DIMMER SWITCH

SECTION 4m - Step up and Step down voltage transformers

Step-up and step-down voltage transformers

110V - 220V 45VA Step-up voltage converter transformer.

240V-120V 45Va, 100Va & 300Va Step down transformer.
USA to UK voltage transformer
travel adaptor converter. 110V to 220V USA to UK step-up
travel adaptor transformer. USA to UK 110V to 230-240V
step-up voltage converter transformer. USA to Euro 110V to
230-240V step up voltage transformer travel adaptor

Online Catalogue | SECTION 4 - Plugs, Inline Switches, Inline Cord Sets, Prewired Plug Leads & Powerleads
