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Section 3a - B15 SBC Brass lamp holders

Online Catalogue | SECTION 3 - LAMP HOLDERS, LOW ENERGY PENDANTS & ADAPTORS | Section 3a - B15 SBC Brass lamp holders

3.015.10.UE.SLIM B15 SBC Extra slim brass lamp holder

3.015.10.UE.SLIM B15 SBC Extra slim brass lamp holder

Total Price: £0.00 (Excluding VAT)


Pack prices

Pack prices
Pack of 2
Pack of 10

3.015.10.UE.SLIM Extra-slim B15 SBC brass lamp holder 10mm entry plain skirt not earthed. Dimensions:21mm o/d x 42mm

* Please call for prices on bulk buying enquiries

Shipping for Pack of 2 is £4.75 (Please note that in addition to postage, shipping costs we charge include other operational costs and overheads)
Shipping for Pack of 10 is £8.50
10mm. B15 SBC Slim
brass lamp holder

Related products:
1. 3.B15D.POR.BF B15d Porcelain Lamp Holder Base Fixing Holes
2. 701.B15.SB+34.B BLK B15 SBC lamp holder with two shade rings

3.017.10.BRS B15 SBC Brass 10mm lamp holder

3.017.10.BRS B15 SBC Brass 10mm lamp holder

Price: £0.00 (Excluding VAT)


Pack prices

Pack prices
Pack of 1
Pack of 10
Pack of 100

3.017.10.BRS B15 SBC small bayonet brass lamp holder with shade ring & earth 10mm entry. (Overall dimensions: Height = 33mm & Dia. = 25mm)

Shipping for Pack of 2 is £5.75 (Please note that in addition to postage, shipping costs we charge include other operational costs and overheads)
Shipping for Pack of 10 is £5.75
Shipping for Pack of 100 is FREE
10mm. SBC brass lamp holder.
SBC brass lamp holder. 10mm. B15 SBC brass lamp holders.
Small bayonet bulb holder. SBC bulb soocket holder. 3.339.R. A016

Related products:
1. 3.B15D.POR.10.SB 10mm. B15d Porcelain Lamp Holder
2. 701.B15.SB+34.B BLK B15 SBC lamp holder with two shade rings

3.017.13.STD.BRS B15 SBC Brass 1/2" lamp holder

3.017.13.STD.BRS B15 SBC Brass 1/2

Price: £0.00 (Excluding VAT)


Pack prices

Pack prices
Pack of 2
Pack of 10

3.017.13.STD.BRS B15 SBC small bayonet brass lamp holder with shade ring & earth 1/2" entry (Overall dimensions: Height = 33mm & Dia. = 25mm)

Please call for prices on bulk buying enquiries

Shipping for Pack of 2 is £5.75 (Please note that in addition to postage, shipping costs we charge include other operational costs and overheads)
Shipping for Pack of 10 is £6.75
1/2" Brass B15
SBC lamp holder. 1/2" small bayonet SBC brass lamp
holders. 1/2" Brass SBC bulb holder. 1/2" brass small bayonet
bulb socket holder. TL BLH/SBC

3.017.10.NS B15 SBC Nickel SILVERED 10mm lampholder

3.017.10.NS B15 SBC Nickel SILVERED 10mm lampholder

Total Price: £0.00 (Excluding VAT)


Pack prices

Pack prices
Pack of 2
Pack of 10

3.017.10.NS B15 SBC Nickel SILVERED chromed finish small bayonet brass lamp holder with shade ring & earth 10mm entry - PACK OF 2 (Overall dimensions: Height = 33mm & Dia. = 25mm)

Please call for prices on bulk buying enquiries

Shipping for Pack of 2 is £5.75 (Please note that in addition to postage, shipping costs we charge include other operational costs and overheads)
Shipping for Pack of 10 is £6.75
B15 Chrome lamp holder.
10mm. SBC bulb holder chrome. Chromed small bayone
lamp holder

3.017.10.ANTQ B15 SBC ANTIQUE 10mm lampholder - PACK OF 2

3.017.10.ANTQ B15 SBC ANTIQUE 10mm lampholder - PACK OF 2

Price: £6.50 (Excluding VAT)


3.017.10.ANTQ B15 SBC DEEP BRONZED ANTIQUE small bayonet lamp holder with shade ring & earth 10mm entry - PACK OF 2 (Overall dimensions: Height = 33mm & Dia. = 25mm)

Please call for prices on bulk buying enquiries

Shipping £5.75 (Please note that in addition to postage, shipping costs we charge include other operational costs and overheads)
B15 Antique lamp holder.
10mm. SBC Antique bulb holder. Aged antique B15 small
bayonet lamp holder. Bronzed antique small bayonet bulb holder

3.017.BRS.WCG B15 SBC lamp holder with cord grip - PACK OF 2

3.017.BRS.WCG B15 SBC lamp holder with cord grip - PACK OF 2

Price: £4.50 (Excluding VAT)


3.017.BRS.WCG B15 Brass pendant lamp holder with plastic cord grip - PACK OF 2 (Overall dimensions: Height = 33mm & Dia. = 25mm)

Please call for prices on bulk buying enquiries

Shipping £4.75 (Please note that in addition to postage, shipping costs we charge include other operational costs and overheads)
B15 Brass cord grip lamp
holder. Brass SBC cord grip bulb holder.

3.017.BRS+HOOK B15 SBC Brass lampholder With Hook - PACK OF 2

3.017.BRS+HOOK B15 SBC Brass lampholder With Hook - PACK OF 2

Price: £5.50 (Excluding VAT)


3.017.BRS+HOOK B15 SBC Brass pendant lamp holder with hook - PACK OF 2

Please call for prices on bulk buying enquiries

Shipping £4.75 (Please note that in addition to postage, shipping costs we charge include other operational costs and overheads)



Price: £5.50 (Excluding VAT)


3.015.10.ANTQ B15 SBC small bayonet DEEP BRONZED ANTIQUE lamp holder plain skirt 10mm entry - PACK OF 2

Please call for prices on bulk buying enquiries

Shipping £4.75 (Please note that in addition to postage, shipping costs we charge include other operational costs and overheads)

Online Catalogue | SECTION 3 - LAMP HOLDERS, LOW ENERGY PENDANTS & ADAPTORS | Section 3a - B15 SBC Brass lamp holders
